Shereen Yusuff refers to herself as someone who loves experiencing all that her body and her mind has to offer. She grew up in Oman where she played tennis competitively as a child, and later on, graduated with an aerospace engineering degree from a university in India. She moved locations numerous times (China, UK, U.S., Brazil, Colombia and Ivory Coast) through work and her stint in all of these countries helped her become more aware on how different everyone’s approach to life was and how the society we lived in had a huge role to play in terms of how we ended up as individuals. She realized that a lot of people, including herself, conformed to social norms instead of being true to ourselves.

This realization pushed Shereen to dig deeper to understand her true identity. She started exploring her inner being through different avenues – martial arts, free style dancing, lifting weights, travelling, hiking, climbing, long distance endurance events – marathons, ultra marathons, Ironmans – through which she grasped how important nutrition and sleep were in terms of recovery and fuel for the body. She also began to experience the power of her mind through being able to achieve these feats – some with no training !

In 2016, she had her first surgery – she tore her ACL and for the first time she was unable to experience life as vigorously as she was used to. This made her delve more into breath work. It was during this time that she went back to the basics and started focusing more on strengthening her foundation through joint mobility again. She went on to getting certified by the Onnit Academy in Austin and exposed herself to other certifications like FRC and workshops in Body Mind Centering and Animal Flow. The breathwork eventually led her to the Wim Hof Method, Buteyko Method and Oxygen Advantage where she went on to becoming a certified Breath Instructor in all the techniques.

What she learned through her journey of movement, breath and ice has helped her understand the power associated with having total body mind alignment and having your brain and heart work for you versus against you. She is now excited to share this knowledge with as many people as she can.

Her vision is to share the power of breath, movement and ice with every individual so that they can learn to live a medication free life and be happy, healthy and strong, and as a result be a beacon of light for the rest of society.

Shereen is also extremely passionate about Sports Performance Enhancement, considering her background of discipline was attained by being a semi-professional tennis player growing up. She enjoys working with both college and professional athletes to help them take their game to the next level.

Click here to read Shereen’s thoughts on Risk Taking